Hello and welcome!
This blog came about as a reaction to the oodles of overpriced, outlandish, and distasteful options available to today's bride-to-be, and as a direct result of my happening upon The Miss Manners Guide to a Surprisingly Dignified Wedding. I highly recommend the book to every engaged woman, but I could devote a whole post to what I've learned from it, and I will at a later date.
In Spokane, specifically, we have approximately 852 places who'd just looooove to help you create "your special day," exactly two bride blogs, and a biannual Bridal Fest that is basically a localized, real-life version of a wedding magazine's glossy pages and oodles of advertisements. For the woman who is planning her "perfect day," as the industry has mandated it to be in recent years, that is absolutely enough resources, and she should probably read no further.
For the woman planning a wedding that isn't formulaic, who realizes that the day is about her but only insomuch as that she is exactly one half of the wedding's focal point, who cares more about building a life with her partner-to-be than spending hours making (and requiring her attendants help make) centerpieces--this blog is for you.
Congrats on your first blog post!!